Small penis humiliation phone sex is one of the most popular calls out there. I’ve made eleven men cry due to making fun of their small penises. They have such small and useless cocks it’s not really enough to fuck a woman with and rejection and humiliation is what they are the most comfortable with after being rejected by most women their entire lives. They want to be told what utter and complete failures they are in the bedroom. Many of them also suffer from premature ejaculation, it usually goes hand in hand with a small dick. They are inadequate in every possible way they could be sexually.
Small penis humiliation phone sex callers often will try and talk up how good they are at licking pussy, or how much money they make, things they think would keep a woman regardless of the size of their under developed cock. Well, those things might enable them to maintain a cuckold relationship, they might be able to have a woman in their lives if they were willing to accept she’d be seeking satisfaction from another man. Many just masturbate by rubbing their cocks like a tiny clit, there isn’t enough to grip in their hand and pump in a manly masturbatory way, they rub it like a girl would.
There’s no shortage of small penis humiliation callers, they are embarrassed by their shortcomings and some have even been turned down and laughed at by escorts, even they wouldn’t fuck them for money, so how can they expect some woman to take them on for a monogamous relationship? Several have said their wives were virgins when they married them and they had nothing to compare them to, so their wives didn’t know any different, never watched porn, you wonder what rock these wives were living under. Some I suggest turn towards other men to keep them happy, since their cock size wouldn’t matter if they were sucking off other guys or letting other guys fuck them.