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Lesbian Phone Sex

lesbian, girl on girl, same sex, bi sexual

Are some women even looking for lesbian phone sex? Yes, they are. They don’t call as often as men, but they do indeed call and we hear from them once in a while. Many had a same sex experience once a long time ago and haven’t ever been able to stop thinking about it. Others have fantasized about it for decades, but the opportunity either never presented itself in the first place or they were too worried about someone finding out about it, so they never acted on it. They might read lesbian erotica or watch lesbian porn as they masturbate and want that same sex experience.

Not all operators are comfortable with lady callers, but some of us welcome them and encourage them to explore their fantasies in a safe way. Lesbian phone sex can take many forms, I’ve had a lady that was black and she called for racial humiliation, some are into spanking fetish and wanted to have me punish them, call them names and spank them hard for being such bad girls. Some like the idea of being submissive and getting spanked hard as they masturbate.

One caller that calls a few times a year, her husband knows she’s attracted to other women, and they watch lesbian porn together and they talk about bringing another woman into their bed, but she’s simply too worried someone in her real life would find out, so she limits her lesbian explorations to over the phone talks about what it would be like if I was making love to her, licking her pussy and having her lick mine, and maybe if we were scissoring each other’s cunts and rubbing our wet pussies together and the wetness of our cunts smacking against each other as we masturbated. If you’re a lady seeking a same sex lesbian phone sexcall, then I’m sure one of the ladies here will be able to help you achieve a wonderful orgasm.

Homo Phone Sex

gay, homo, homosexual, same sex, bi, bisexual, fag, confess, queer

Callers looking for homo phone sex usually ironically call female operators rather than male ones. Many are seeking some sort of acceptance. So many callers have sucked cock in the past or are fantasizing about it, it’s incredible how many, likely a third or more. Many are seeking female acceptance of their homo ways, and talking to a female is a substitute for many of them that want you to be everything from their mother to their wife that may have rejected them once they found out about their desires for other men.

So many times people I’ve mentioned this to ask why aren’t they calling other men if it’s men they are attracted to? They just aren’t in most cases, that’s not to say they never do when calling for homo phone sex, but most want the comforting voice and disposition of a woman to confess these things to. One of the things guys love to talk about that into this is they will share stories about their first same sex encounter, or their trip to the glory hole, they cannot share things like this with people in their real life for fear of being rejected, judged, or divorced, so they tell phone sex girls about these desires for cock and other men.

Ones will share tales of posting ads on online classifieds sites to meet men for random sexual encounters, and yet most of them do not consider themselves gay or even bi even though they are doing these things and keeping them secret from those in their lives. Some have outright fallen in love with other men and do not wish to break up their families for the sake of being with this other man they have fallen in love with, there’s all kinds of same sex drama going on around you that you have no clue of, and these men call girls to share these heavy burdens with and sometimes seek advice as to what steps to take.