Sensual phone sex can be very sweet and loving, it’s not what all guys want, but some of the tamer variety do enjoy some good, sensual phone sex . So many callers have no girlfriend at all, they might be shy or awkward around women, many are even adult virgins too afraid to go to an escort. Their only connection with women has been through phone sex. Some callers have disabilities that limit their attractiveness to women, so again, masturbation and phone sex is their only connection with women they have had. Callers like that are usually of the tamer, more gentle variety and enjoy some comfort and soothing and not an overly aggressive operator.
There are also ones more into vanilla sex, not everyone needs to swing from the chandeliers or stick toys the size of baseballs bats into their bodies, some just like a nice, normal, gentle approach as they masturbate. Vanilla phone sex can be very sexy, just talking to someone as you masturbate and describing what you would do to each other. Fetishes are popular and do have their place and we can certainly provide that, but some just like to lay back and relax and have a nice, sensual phone sex call and masturbation experience.
Some men with small penises can also be sensitive types that have been hurt and rejected and they aren’t necessarily looking for small penis humiliation like other small penis callers are, but they can be looking for a gentle, compassionate woman to talk to. Some may never have had sex with a woman since their cocks are too small to really do much, or else they tried, but once the lady saw them take their clothes off, they walked out, got a headache, made some excuse to leave, since they didn’t want to have to contend with such a small cock. If sensual phone sex and understanding is what you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right site. Let us take care of you.